Our Water Safety Tips
With summer finally here and water use is on the increase, we are keen to ensure people are aware of water safety at home, on holiday and while using sports and spa facilities.
From showerheads to garden hoses, paddling pools to hot tubs, we hope these tips will help you and your family stay safe.
Keep your hot water above 50 degrees.
Keep your cold water below 20 degrees.
Ensure you use all the water outlets throughout your home every week.
Keep your showerheads clean from limescale.
Keep paddling pools clean with fresh water.
DO not leave your hose out in the sun.
Flush the shower in a hotel before use.
Ask to see the Potability and Legionella Sample Certificate before using a hot tub or spa.
Bullseye Services provide a whole host of water treatment services including Legionella risk assessment, cleaning and disinfection and Legionella analysis of the water which is also a part of controlling and preventing Legionella bacteria disease within your water areas.
Our website and brochure combined should provide you with all the information you need however if you do require further information, there's a quick and easy contact form on our website and, of course, you are more than welcome to use the more traditional ways to contact us.